Little Inklings 2020-21

28 Once again, I heard the moderator call, ?Zarah, please come to the podium.? Before I knew it, most of the boys were eliminated from the competition, and the final round was about to start. My remaining opponent was a small boy who had glasses and hair that looked like noodles swimming in sauce. The announcer pronounced the word Chiaroscurist. The winner would be the one who shouted out the correct spelling first. C-h-i-a-r-o-s-c-u-r-i-s-t. I finished this word before the boy even uttered his first letter. The crowd erupted into cheers that were louder than a football game. The judge placed a gold medal around my neck, and at that moment, I was grateful to my immigrant parents, who insisted on learning to read, speak and spell English. Charlie Sender | 7th Grade