Little Inklings 2020-21

35 D ear 2021, Let?s get some things straight. Your younger sibling was misbehaving a lot. Since you?re older, I expect a lot of intelligence from you. You better slow down with the negative things. I want to see more smiles and fewer frowns. I want my grades to improve. I want to keep my body the way it is right now, so I need you to remind me when I?m losing the look. I want to stop touching my face each time acne shows up, the reason being I WANT A CLEAN FACE! I want to keep reading. I want to stay positive, and I need your help with that one too. I want to have fun with you. I want to love spending time with you. I want you to be perfect, and I promise I will help you be. I will protect you from being bad, by cleaning the Earth, helping others, and making it the best possible, for me and my family and friends. I hope you don?t change your mind on positivity and optimism. I want you to challenge me, I want you to remind me every day to try something new, and as for you, you shall allow all of these happy things to happen. I will try to help you slow down what your younger sibling brought us, even if it doesn?t work. Don?t forget the saying is ? Happy New Year!? I hope you behave well in 2021. -Emilia Awad | 7th Grade